Spatial database setup¶
Supporting installation of spatial data into Postgres DBMS.
Install Postgres
For Mac the easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL is with
For Debain and Ubuntu, install PostgresSQL and PostGis please ref to Postgres installation.
Otherwise you can try package installers for WINDOWS, MAC, Linux and MacOS from the main PostgreSQL download page
For simplicity, use .pgpass file(pgpass.conf file for Microsoft Windows) to avoid supplying the password every time as decribed in Passwordless configuration.
After installation, Make sure you have the paths to these tools added to your system’s PATHS.
Note: Older version of this raster2pgsql was a python script that you had to download and manually include in Postgres’s directory. Please consult an operating system expert for help on how to change or add the PATH variables.
For example, this could be a sample of paths exported on Mac:
#~/.bash_profile file, Postgres PATHS and tools .
export PATH="/Applications/${PATH}"
export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/"
Enable PostGIS extensions
If you have Postgres set up, enable PostGIS extensions. This is done by using either Postgres CLI or GUI(PgAdmin) and run the commands below.
For psql CLI
psql -d yourdatabase -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d yourdatabase -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;"
For GUI(PgAdmin)
`CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology`
For more details refer to the Postgis docs.
PostGIS excluded the raster types and functions from the main extension as of version 3.x; A separate CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster; is then needed to get raster support.
Versions 2.x have full raster support as part of the main extension environment, so CREATE EXTENSION postgis; is all that you need`