Welcome to Data retriever’s documentation!¶
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- Datasets Available
- 1. Ecoregions of the Conterminous United States
- 2. Nematode traits and environmental constraints in 200 soil systems
- 3. Mammal abundance indices in the northern portion of the Great Basin
- 4. Mapeamento de iniciativas (e catálogos) de dados abertos governamentais no Brasil.
- 5. Biomass and Its Allocation in Chinese Forest Ecosystems (Luo, et al., 2014)
- 6. Poker Hand dataset
- 7. Phylogeny and metabolic rates in mammals (Ecological Archives 2010)
- 8. Database of Vertebrate Home Range Sizes - Tamburello et al., 2015
- 9. The effects of biodiversity on ecosystem community, and population variables reported 1974-2004
- 10. USDA plant list - taxonomy for US plant species
- 11. Foraging attributes for birds and mammals (Wilman, et al., 2014)
- 12. Effects of biodiversity on the functioning of ecosystems:A summary of 164 experimental manipulations of species richness
- 13. Abalone Age and Size Data
- 14. A database on visible diurnal spring migration of birds
- 15. Barnacle, fucoid, and mussel recruitment in the Gulf of Maine, USA, from 1997 to 2007
- 16. Car Evaluation
- 17. Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database
- 18. Demography of the endemic mint Dicerandra frutescens in Florida scrub
- 19. Sonoran Desert Lab perennials vegetation plots
- 20. Transparency and Open Data Portals of Brazilian states and municipalities
- 21. The distribution and host range of the pandemic disease chytridiomycosis in Australia, spanning surveys from 1956-2007.
- 22. National_Lakes_Assessment_Data
- 23. Mammal Community DataBase (Thibault et al. 2011)
- 24. GDP Data
- 25. Bird Body Size and Life History (Lislevand et al. 2007)
- 26. Fire-related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin. Ecology 90:1420
- 27. species data on densities and percent cover in the 60 experimental plots from 1996 to 2002
- 28. Partners_In_Flight_Species_Assessment_Data
- 29. Cancer Rates Lake County
- 30. A stream gage database for evaluating natural and altered flow conditions in the conterminous United States.
- 31. Michigan forest canopy dynamics plots - Woods et al. 2009
- 32. Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) data
- 33. Portal Project Data (Ernest et al. 2016)
- 34. Long term limnological measures in Acton Lake, database, 1992-2017
- 35. The data was used to investigate patterns and causes of variation in NPP by the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, which is believed to be one of the fastest growing autotrophs on earth.
- 36. Wine Quality
- 37. Sagebrush steppe mapped plant quadrats (Zachmann et al. 2010)
- 38. Shortgrass steppe mapped plants quads - Chu et al. 2013
- 39. The LakeCat Dataset
- 40. Mammal Life History Database - Ernest, et al., 2003
- 41. Portal Project Data (Ernest et al. 2009)
- 42. Long-term population dynamics of individually mapped Sonoran Desert winter annuals from the Desert Laboratory, Tucson AZ
- 43. Percentage leaf herbivory across vascular plant species
- 44. Vascular plant composition - McGlinn, et al., 2010
- 45. Wine Composition
- 46. Miscellaneous Abundance Database (figshare 2012)
- 47. BioTIME species identities and abundances
- 48. Dataset containing information on all airports on ouraiports.com
- 49. Antarctic Site Inventory breeding bird survey data, 1994-2013
- 50. Croche understory vegetation data set
- 51. Breed-Bird-Survey-nlcd Data
- 52. Iris Plants Database
- 53. Mount St. Helens vegetation recovery plots (del Moral 2010)
- 54. Nesting ecology and offspring recruitment in a long-lived turtle
- 55. ND-Gain
- 56. Masses of Mammals (Smith et al. 2003)
- 57. MammalDIET
- 58. Prairie-forest ecotone of eastern Kansas/Foster Lab
- 59. Mapped plant quadrat time-series from Kansas (Adler et al. 2007)
- 60. New York City TreesCount
- 61. 3-D maps of tree canopy geometries at leaf scale
- 62. Spatial Population Data Alpine Butterfly - Matter et al 2014
- 63. Fish parasite host ecological characteristics (Strona, et al., 2013)
- 64. Fray Jorge community ecology database (Kelt et al. 2013)
- 65. First-flowering dates of plants in the Northern Great Plains
- 66. Mapped plant quadrat time-series from Montana (Anderson et al. 2011)
- 67. The ph_ownership_history dataset
- 68. BUPA liver disorders
- 69. Forest fire data for Montesinho natural park in Portugal
- 70. Biovolumes for freshwater phytoplankton - Colin et al. 2014
- 71. Bioclim 2.5 Minute Climate Data
- 72. Body sizes of consumers and their resources
- 73. Oosting Natural Area (North Carolina) plant occurrence (Palmer et al. 2007)
- 74. BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants
- 75. USGS North American Breeding Bird Survey
- 76. Vertnet Reptiles
- 77. Tree growth, mortality, physical condition - Clark, 2006
- 78. Commercial Fisheries Monthly Trade Data by Product, Country/Association
- 79. Gulf of Maine intertidal density/cover (Petraitis et al. 2008)
- 80. Alwyn H. Gentry Forest Transect Dataset
- 81. A Southern Ocean dietary database
- 82. Commercial Fisheries Monthly Trade Data by Product, Country/Association
- 83. Aquatic Animal Excretion
- 84. Pantheria (Jones et al. 2009)
- 85. vertnet:
- 86. Load US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as ‘tidyverse’ and ‘sf’-Ready Data Frames
- 87. Global wood density database - Zanne et al. 2009
- 88. Forest Inventory and Analysis
- 89. USA National Phenology Network
- 90. USGS North American Breeding Bird Survey 50 stop
- 91. 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) high-quality U.S. Geological Survey topographic data
- 92. Vertnet Amphibians
- 93. Vertnet Mammals
- 94. Marine Predator and Prey Body Sizes - Barnes et al. 2008
- 95. Commercial Fisheries Monthly Trade Data by Product, Country/Association
- 96. Indian Forest Stand Structure and Composition (Ramesh et al. 2010)
- 97. Food web including metazoan parasites for a brackish shallow water ecosystem in Germany and Denmark
- 98. A database on the life history traits of the Northwest European flora
- 99. Vertnet Birds
- 100. Tree demography in Western Ghats, India - Pelissier et al. 2011
- 101. PRISM Climate Data
- 102. Mammal Super Tree
- 103. Vertnet Fishes
- 104. PREDICTS Database
- 105. Amniote life History database
- 106. Fia georgia, GA
- 107. Fia vermont, VT
- 108. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Pennsylvania
- 109. Virgin Islands National Park: Population Dynamics of Octocorals
- 110. Portal Project Teaching
- 111. USDA Global Branded Food Products Database (Branded Foods)
- 112. Fia maine, ME
- 113. The North Carolina Piedmont Forest LTREB Project, Seedling and Sapling Plots
- 114. Fia american-samoa, AS
- 115. Rainfall in India
- 116. British Columbia Detailed Soil Survey
- 117. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, California
- 118. Fia minnesota, MN
- 119. Ontario Detailed Soil Survey
- 120. The Global Root Trait, GRooT Database
- 121. Virgin Islands National Park: Coral Reef: Decadal-scale changes in community structure from 1987 to 2011
- 122. Credit Card Fraud Detection Dataset
- 123. Fia us-virgin-islands, VI
- 124. COVID-19 in Italy
- 125. Third-order and Upper watershed White Clay Creek and Boulton Run â Climate, Stable Isotopes, Stream Water Chemistry,Precipitation Stable Isotopes (2011-2012)
- 126. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Washington
- 127. Fia new-mexico, NM
- 128. Fia massachusetts, MA
- 129. County Emergency Management Offices New York
- 130. Fia northern-mariana-islands, MP
- 131. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Delaware
- 132. Fia montana, MT
- 133. fill
- 134. Fernow experimental Forest in central Appalachia. LTREB WS 4 Biomass
- 135. Fia north-carolina, NC
- 136. Fia utah, UT
- 137. Fia nevada, NV
- 138. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Michigan
- 139. fill
- 140. COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data with Geography
- 141. Fia louisiana, LA
- 142. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Wisconsin
- 143. Fia colorado, CO
- 144. Sycamore Creek macroinvertebrate collections after flooding event
- 145. Fia arkansas, AR
- 146. Virgin islands coral taxonomy
- 147. Fia iowa, IA
- 148. Fia kansas, KS
- 149. The USA Final Fire Perimeter dataset, National USFS Final Fire Perimeter
- 150. WorldClim [Bioclimatic] variables for WorldClim version 2
- 151. Fia oklahoma, OK
- 152. Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID-4),
- 153. Fernow Experimental Forest daily streamflow
- 154. Fia rhode-island, RI
- 155. Nuclear Power Plants Database
- 156. Stroud Water Research Center - Precipitation, Meteorology (1996-2010)
- 157. Foreign Exchange rates for 2000 to 2019
- 158. Virgin Islands National Park: Coral Reef: Physical Measurements
- 159. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Minnesota
- 160. Prince Edward Island Detailed Soil Survey
- 161. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Maine
- 162. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Missouri
- 163. Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster
- 164. Fia north-dakota, ND
- 165. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Vermont
- 166. fill
- 167. Fernow Experimental Forest precipitation chemistry
- 168. Fia virginia, VA
- 169. Fia tennessee, TN
- 170. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Alabama
- 171. Fia mississippi, MS
- 172. Fia florida, FL
- 173. Maizuru Bay fish community
- 174. Fia wisconsin, WI
- 175. Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 2013-2014 (FNDDS 2013-2014)
- 176. Fia idaho, ID
- 177. Fia puerto-rico, PR
- 178. PA Avondale 2N - Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature - NOAA CRN (2011-2015)
- 179. White Clay Creek – Well Water Levels (1988-2012)
- 180. Fia guam, GU
- 181. Fia palau, PW
- 182. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Wyoming
- 183. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Massachusetts
- 184. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Colorado
- 185. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, North Carolina
- 186. Alberta Detailed Soil Survey
- 187. Saskatchewan Detailed Soil Survey
- 188. The New York Times Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States
- 189. Virgin islands coral scleractinian corals
- 190. Fia california, CA
- 191. DS4C: Data Science for COVID-19 in South Korea
- 192. White Clay Creek – Chlorophyll – Pheophytin (2001-2012)
- 193. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Tennessee
- 194. WorldClim variables WorldClim version 2 at 10 minutes (~340 km2)
- 195. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Illinois
- 196. Christina River Basin – Stream Suspended Sediment (1993-2012)
- 197. Soil Landscapes of Canada Version
- 198. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, South Carolina
- 199. Long-Term Soil Productivity (LTSP) Experiment, Fernow experimental Forest, LTREB
- 200. Fernow Experimental Forest daily precipitation
- 201. Fia pennsylvania, PA
- 202. Fia illinois, IL
- 203. National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Legacy Release (SR Legacy)
- 204. The USA Activity TimberHarvest dataset
- 205. National Pedon Database Summary Layer
- 206. Virgin Islands National Park: Coral Reef: Juvenile Coral
- 207. Virgin Islands National Park: Population Dynamics of Diadema antillarum
- 208. Virgin Islands National Park: Coral Reef: Recruitment Tiles
- 209. fill
- 210. The North Carolina Piedmont Forest LTREB Project, Permanent sample plots
- 211. Fia nebraska, NE
- 212. Rodent data from trapping webs in the long-term Small Mammal Exclusion Study (SMES) at Jornada Basin LTER, 1995-2007
- 213. NTN Site WV18, Rain Chemistry data, National Atmospheric Deposition Program, State of West Virginia (WV)
- 214. Fia west-virginia, WV
- 215. Fia new-jersey, NJ
- 216. Long-term studies of secondary succession and community assembly in the prairie-forest ecotone of eastern Kansas (NSF LTREB # 0950100)
- 217. Fia kentucky, KY
- 218. New York City Airbnb Open Data
- 219. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Florida
- 220. Fia south-carolina, SC
- 221. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Georgia
- 222. Fia hawaii, HI
- 223. National Pedon Database Summary Layer
- 224. Virgin Islands National Park: Population Projections for Orbicella annularis
- 225. FoodData Central Data Supporting Data
- 226. Virgin Islands National Park: Landscape-scale Variation in Community Structure
- 227. Fia federated-states-micrones, FM
- 228. The USA Activity Range Vegetation Improvement dataset
- 229. All FoodData Central data types
- 230. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Idaho
- 231. Fia maryland, MD
- 232. Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh data
- 233. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Utah
- 234. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, New Jersey
- 235. The North Carolina Piedmont Forest LTREB Project, Mapped Forest Stands
- 236. Cervical cancer (Risk Factors) Data Set
- 237. Whole Watershed Acidification Experiment, Fernow experimental Forest, LTREB
- 238. Zipcodes dataset
- 239. Fia michigan, MI
- 240. The National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) precipitation chemistry
- 241. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Virginia
- 242. Christina River Basin â Stream Water Temperatures (2007-2014)
- 243. Restaurant in Baltimore city
- 244. Fia wyoming, WY
- 245. Fia missouri, MO
- 246. Activity Silviculture Timber Stand Improvement
- 247. IATA airport code
- 248. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Oregon
- 249. Global Population Dynamics Database
- 250. Fernow Experimental Forest stream chemistry
- 251. Shortgrass Steppe Long Term Ecological Research (SGS-LTER) Program data
- 252. Fernow Experimental Forest daily air temperature
- 253. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Indiana
- 254. Yukon Detailed Soil Survey
- 255. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Maryland
- 256. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Connecticut
- 257. Fia connecticut, CT
- 258. Hyperspectral benchmark dataset on soil moisture
- 259. Fia south-dakota, SD
- 260. Test data raster bio1
- 261. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, West Virginia
- 262. White Clay Creek Stage, Streamflow or Discharge (1968-2014)
- 263. Virgin Islands National Park, Coral Reef, Population Dynamics: Scleractinian corals
- 264. Fia new-hampshire, NH
- 265. The USA MTBS Burn Area Boundary
- 266. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Nevada
- 267. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, New York
- 268. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, New Hampshire
- 269. Land Grab Universities
- 270. BUILDBPS: Facilities and educational data for boston public schools
- 271. The USA MTBS Fire Occurrence Points
- 272. Virgin Islands National Park, Geography of Sites
- 273. Foundation Foods
- 274. Fia delaware, DE
- 275. Christina River Basin - Stream Water Chemistry (1977-2017)
- 276. Fia arizona, AZ
- 277. Fia alaska, AK
- 278. Fire Occurrence FIRESTAT yearly
- 279. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania, 1977-2017
- 280. Fia indiana, IN
- 281. Fia oregon, OR
- 282. Fia texas, TX
- 283. The US Forest Service, Forest Health Monitoring, Rhode Island
- 284. coronavirus-belgium
- 285. WorldClim variables WorldClim version 2 at 5 minutes
- 286. The USA Activity SilvicultureReforestation.
- 287. Fia new-york, NY
- 288. Fia ohio, OH
- 289. Fia washington, WA
- 290. Nova Scotia Detailed Soil Survey
- 291. 30 seconds WorldClim variables for WorldClim version 2
- 292. Fia alabama, AL
- 293. Nutrient Data Laboratory. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 28
- 294. U.S. Department of Agriculture’s PLANTS Database
- APIs Available
- Using the Socrata API
- Using the Rdatasets API
- Developer’s guide
- Spatial database setup
- Contributor Code of Conduct
- Retriever API